Acepta pagos
de clientes globales

Es rápido, confiable y cumple con la ley. Retiro a tarjetas bancarias, monederos electrónicos, criptomonedas o cuentas bancarias.
 Withdrawal to bank cards, e-wallets, crypto or bank accounts in 190+ countries with Mellow
Commission from 5%
Fees per each accepted offer plus withdrawal fees
Free consultations
Get help with payment methods, taxes, and Nomad Visa
Closing Documents
Acts and invoices are generated automatically for each party
High payout rates
99% successful money transfers

Ayudamos a construir relaciones con los clientes sin estrés

Trámites simplificados

Todos los contratos cumplen legalmente con la jurisdicción local. No importa dónde se encuentren usted y el cliente.

Acuerdos mediados

Firmas un contrato con nosotros. Firmamos 
un contrato con su cliente.

Recompensas garantizadas

Reservamos el importe del pago en la cuenta de su cliente. Cuando envías el trabajo, el dinero es tuyo, garantizado.

Soporte proactivo

Nuestro equipo de atención responderá cualquier pregunta y lo ayudará con las inquietudes que pueda tener.


Disfruta de un sistema de pago seguro

Trabajamos con docenas de socios en todo el mundo para permitir transferencias de dinero rápidas y sin problemas.

Paga solo por lo que recibes

Sin facturas injustificadas: solo pagas por las ofertas confirmadas con tu cliente.
3% por oferta aceptada
Elige quién paga: 
usted o el cliente
2% — 3,5% en caso de retirada
El interés depende del método de pago
Pay only for what you get with Mellow

Aumente su confianza como autónomo

Working with my foreign client through Mellow, I get paid to my bank account and withdrawals are quick and easy.
It's also convenient for the client because they top up their Mellow balance through their national bank.
motion designer
Mellow was recommended to me by friends. After signing up, I sent an offer to a client, and they had no problems with payment.
I was able to quickly withdraw money with pleasant conversion rate. For repeated payments, I just duplicate the offer to save time.
senior software developer
I saw some praises to Mellow in a forum and decided to give it a try, suggested a client that we use it for a new contract. All payments go smoothly.
I am a solopreneur and it is important to me that the service provides all the paperwork - the legal side of things is sorted out for me.
frontend developer
Thanks to Mellow, I can work with an overseas company and not worry about the speed and reliability of payments.
project manager
I definitely recommend Mellow to anyone looking for a reliable platform to work with international clients.
The services manages your payments, provides amazing support with currency control at the bank, plus, they get your tax paperwork sorted out. A a relief for the average freelancer. Also, the care team staff are just great helping you with everything along your way and making sure you get the best experience.

gamedev producer
Someone online mentioned Mellow, so I signed up to give it a try and sent an offer to a client.
The frequent requirement of clients from abroad is that the money gets where it needs to go, and Mellow streamlines the whole process, offer to withdrawal.

marketing consultant
I was looking for an effective ways to work with clients from abroad, tried different services and settled on Mellow.
What convinced me was the detailed knowledge base, especially the articles on taxation in Belarus. Also I’m happy with the payments processing speed.

graphic designer
I’ve been using Mellow for almost half a year now. Neither I or my client have had any difficulties setting up our process and payments via the service.
The documentation and knowledge base help me navigate everything easily, and the fees are transparent so I know exactly what my income would be.

Cómo funciona

Hemos simplificado el proceso para que no tengas que pensarlo dos veces
Create offers with Mellow
Manage tasks as a contractor with Mellow
Get a task done working as a contractor with Mellow
Withdrawal to bank cards, e-wallets, crypto or bank accounts in 190+ countries with Mellow

Create a Mellow offer

An invitation to cooperate and an invoice, all in one link.
We will automatically generate an invoice that works in your client’s jurisdiction and help you receive your payments quickly.

Descubra por qué las empresas confían en nosotros

Somos verdaderamente globales
Tenemos oficinas en EE. UU., el Reino Unido, los Países Bajos, Chipre y otros países, así como socios en todo el mundo.
Más de 10 años de experiencia
Conocemos las entradas y salidas del mercado. Nuestro modelo ha sido verificado por auditores locales y globales, como Baker McKinsey.
Más de 2000 empresas trabajan con nosotros
Nos complace cooperar con actores globales, incluidos Joom, Skyeng, SumSub, Clickadu, Stocksy, Welltory y más.

Una invitación a cooperar y
una factura, todo en un enlace

Cuando creas y envías a tu cliente una oferta de Mellow, recibe una página que detalla la tarea actual y sirve como factura.

Todo lo relacionado con su contrato está en un solo lugar.
Secure payments and seamlessly onboarding. Work with clients all over the world

Consulta nuestras reseñas verificadas

Como se ve en los medios

Get a task done working as a contractor with Mellow.


From which countries can I receive payment?
How do I receive payment from a customer in another country?
Who is Mellow for?